Engineering - Operational Supplies and Services
Food and Beverages - Operational Supplies and Services
Rooms/Housekeeping/Laundry /Spa/Saloon/Security-Operational Supplies & Services
Create Account
Benefits to Vendor

  • Will be able to display your products
  • Will be able to display your brands an clients name
  • Vendor will be to add multiple categories of supplies
  • Vendor will be able to launch or display your products for more visibility.
  • There will be no option of displaying rates in the portal.
  • Vendor will directly do your business with the buyers.
  • Vendor will be able to access smart tools generate your quotations .
  • Vendor will be entitled for Digital display of your products with digital marketing support from Ask purchase.
  • Vendor will get dedicated support for query on product
  • Vendor will be getting sample alert from buyers
  • Vendor will get digital statics of buyers
  • Vendor will get premium slots
Procurement Services

Click here for more info
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Email Support
Nanda Kumar
+91 9945699992
+91 9740951375
+91 8971484235