Engineering - Operational Supplies and Services
Food and Beverages - Operational Supplies and Services
Rooms/Housekeeping/Laundry /Spa/Saloon/Security-Operational Supplies & Services
Create Account
Benefits to Buyer

  • Can search multiple vendors by Group/Category
  • Will be able to communicate to multiple vendors at a click.
  • Will be able to send email/text messages to multiple vendors.
  • Buyer can send voice messages to vendors.
  • Will be able to attach your requirements may be image, excel, pdf etc.,
  • Buyer can mark your favourite vendors to ease the further communication.
  • Buyer will get any assistance by ASK PURCHASE team. May be quotation /information etc., just click ASK PURCHASE your digital purchase will assist you to speed up your Job.
  • Will be able to access state of the art negotiations software- STRIKER.
  • Will be able to access state software AMS
  • Will be able to form your team of your organisation.
  • Support from Ask Purchase team.
Procurement Services

Click here for more info
Email Support
Nanda Kumar
+91 9945699992
+91 9740951375
+91 8971484235